Wednesday, August 25, 2004

More on TK's Car and the Craft of Writing

More about DC TV anchor Wendy Rieger. She wrote an email to Andy, complaining that Tony called her 50 the other day. She's probably "only" in her late 40s.

A brief discussion of Jeremy Bloom, who has been defeated again by the NCAA. TK doesn't really care about the story. He cares more about Leopold Bloom (from Ulysses).

TK is in the middle of writing a column, but having issues. He's the Steve Blass of columinsts. The Ian Baker-Finch of columnists. "I'm now writing like an old man on a cruise," TK says.

There's a digression here about being in the Catskills and the guy who wrote the newsletter for the hotel. A woman introudces herself and says "it's not Mr and Mrs Melbourne. It's DR and Mrs Melbourne."

When Czabe asked if TK knew how many columns he's written, TK said, "I don't know, but I've used all the words the good Lord gave me."

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Surfin USA

We begin with one of TK's favorite topics: The Beach Boys. One of the touring Beach Boys groups was in DC over the weekend, which led to talk about various BB incarnations and Brian Wilson's nuttiness. TK dropped some trivia, including the fact that Glen Campbell toured with the BB during one of the time Brian Wilson went a little crazy. TK then does some BB analysis.

TK had a car situation last night. LeBatard took the PTI staff out to dinner and coming backthere was an issue with the new security device. It ripped up the bottom of TK's Infiniti G35 Coupe. And today, the security device had been removed and, as of now, they don't want to pay the damages. Oh yes they will, says Mr. Tony. Or he will go on the radio and "name names" as long as it takes.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Monday, August 23, 2004

Everyone's back

Andy's Back. Tony's Back. All is right in the world. Well, Wilbon is still in Greece and LeBatard is on PTI. But it's good enough.

was Tony's vacation restful? No, but there was lots of golf. TK's index went from 19 to 15, which included about 12 days in a row of golf.

A brief discussion on Paul Hamm. "first, he shouldn't listen to Aunt Bea. You SHOULDN'T GIVE BACK THE MEDAL!" says Tony. TK does, though, say that the Korean should get a second gold medal.

TK also made fun of "putting salads on people's heads."

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine