Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Playoff baseball

TK loves playoff baseball and watches as much as he can (before going to bed, of course).

And TK is of an age that baseball holds a special place in his heart. And learning the strategy is not difficult.

Tk thinks that the Yankees were unlucky last night, like the GR Double and Gordon's inability to close the door meant using Rivera longer than Torre wanted.

Oddly enough, TK thinks the Sawks have the momentum, based on the last two nights. And for Schilling, it would be "Epic" and "Classic."

Tk says that "Listen Up" isn't doing as well as everyone had hoped. Andy brought up an interview done by Jason Alexander, where Jason said some nice things about TK. And TK is flattered that there IS a show, but he's still not emotionally invested.

A brief discussion of California Golf, as Czabe is in CA for FSR bidness. They talked up Pelican Hill, which is on a par with Pebble Beach. And the biggest celebrity Czabe saw was The Gnome, who is tight with TK, the same way Holyfield and Tyson are tight.

TK is also looking at fabric swatches, picking out samples for new solid-color blazers. TK is looking for black, gray and blue blazers, but wonders about if they come with gold buttons. Wilbon says all gold-button blazers are for dopes.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine