Friday, November 26, 2004

Friday Hour Two

** Joe Barber on Movies -- Alexander - 3 hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Colin Farrell doesn't have what it takes to be Alexander. The picture is long and boring. TK asks when the last good movie that Oliver Stone made was? JFK? TK wonders about all these period-piece movies and how many have been successful. And there's the controversey about whether or not Alexander was bi-sexual. Christmas with the Kranks -- Joe says it starts out well and ends badly. Movin' Out -- Joe also talks about the Billy Joel revue choreographed by Twyla Tharp. TK, although he likes Joel, disappoves of the concept, but Joe says the show is good.

** Old Guy Radio -- Bruce Springsteen -- Santa Claus is Coming to Town

** Black Friday -- TK needs to go shopping to get Michael a coat (but not a cape). But doesn't know where to get it or what kind to get. TK doesn't crasp the horror of what shopping is like today.

** Andy's Thanksgiving -- He went to his in-laws in Baltimore. They nicely let him alone and let him watch the football. And his wife and kids stay at the in-laws for the weekend, giving Andy the whole weekend to himself.

** TK's Thanksgiving -- Elizabeth cooked, but made enough for 10 people, even though there's only 4 of them. More discussion of TK and Michael playing golf yesterday. It's the only tradition in Tony's life now, so it needs to stop immediately. TK mentioned (after Andy brought it up) a story in the Post about his country club hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for veterans.

** Mailbag and Phone Calls -- People call helping TK out with his coat dilemma.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Black Friday Live

Tony is live today (yay).

* TK begins by ripping (his dear friend) Mustang Sally's column on Artest in the Post today. Sally's column is (simplifying) pro-Artest, including talking about how he is paying for many relatives to goto private school. TK also makes fun of the "WH Auden" portion of the column (and if you read it, you can understand why). And we come back to how often TK can't relate to the littles. This all comes back to the great Patrick Ewing quote, "We make a lot, but we spend a lot too."

* Michael Olewakande's arrest outside an Indiana Club. TK points out that no one ever had to use a stun gun on him while he was playing.

* The Hateful Dan LeBatard -- Dan says that his new radio show is a lot of fun (which TK told him he would). Dan wants a more popular culture show (like TK's show) rather than just a hardcore "sports talk" show. TK talks about his power in radio (having Gary read the story about WTEM changing the bathrooms), which LeBatard says it TK affecting social change. More talk about national vs local radio. Both guys like doing local much better. Finally, we get to Ricky Williams. Dan doesn't know if Ricky really will come back, he's just too unpredictable. Dan says that Ricky really is happy right now. 95% of what he said is insightful and 5 % is "I'm wearing aluminum foil on my head to keep the aliens away."

* James Carville -- 3-0 last week after being 0-4 the week before --

Double plays
-- Jax + 5.5 MIN
-- SD + 3 Kansas City
-- buff + 4.5 Seattle

-- Pitt - 10 Washington
-- Cin - -6 Cleaveland
-- Car - 3 TB
-- NO + 9.5 Atlanta
-- Miami + 1 SF

James' system sometimes gives him one game, sometimes 8 games. And if would have worked with Indy yesterday and only works on the NFL, not college.

* TK and Michael actually played golf yesterday. Gobble gobble.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Thursday, November 25, 2004

If it's a Holiday, it must be Andy Polley

It's a Best Of Day, which means Andy's in the big chair. What we heard today...

* Leonard Slotkin
* Gary Williams
* Old Guy Radio - Bob Dylan
* Junior

And Andy talked about food and football (two of his favorite things).

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Howdy, Pilgrim.

WATCH the RERUN OF PTI TONIGHT! Tony is dressed as a pilgrim!

TK and Riggo discuss being on Television and the mindset when doing it. TK says that now he's an entertainer, whereas he used to try and sound intelligent. And now that Tony's part of a "cable TV hit," his need to be right all the time isn't as great as it used to be. And the guy on TV (nor the guy on radio) isn't the same guy he is at home.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Will TK be fired from the Post?

Today's show (computer issues - hopefully a full update later)

** the new Washington National logo - FAT GNATS
** What TK may have done to be terminated from the Post (it involves sewing)
** Junior on the Brawl and the Clemson/SCarolina fight
** Bob Ryan
** Howard Kurtz
** Old Guy Radio - Traffic
** Tony' Malbag

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Who'll replace Dan Rather?

Dan Rather's retirement was topic #1 on the 5:30 segment. TK doesn't think Rather was pushed. TK wonders who he would hire to replace Rather? His first choice: Lester Holt, even though he works for another network. And Holt would be the first black anchorman since Max Robinson in the 1980s. And you need to think about raiding CNN or CNBC or MSNBC. Andy thinks they should try and get Katie, which TK and Czabe both poo poo. And there's discussion about just how important the nightly news is anymore.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

More cheese please

(my file didn't get saved yesterday, no better update. I apologize to those I offended.)

On today's show:

** Ron Artest on the Today Show
** El Riggo on the NBA Brawl
** David Aldridge
** Mark Maske
** Old Guy Radio -- Bobby Darin
** The grilled cheese sandwich that was on Ebay

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Brawl for it All

** Much ado about the Brawl Friday night
** Wilbon on the Skins and the Brawl
** Dan Miller from Detroit
** Old Guy Radio -- "Turn Turn Turn" by the Byrds

more later

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine