Friday, April 29, 2005

more on the toads

-- More on the exploding toads today.

** Tim Kirkjian on baseball
** Stephen Hunter on movies
** Bob Kravitz on Reggie Miller and the Pacers

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Thursday, April 28, 2005

more Idol fallout

we learn that TK is not a fan of the Girl Scout Cookies. Can't argue with that.

Andy talks about an Inside Edition story today about the brouhaha with American Idol. Aunt Be agrees with Steve that it would be a bigger deal if Simon was sleeping with a female contestant.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Where the Buffalo Roam

TK discusses the wild buffalo in suburban MD and exploding Toads in Germany.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

scandal on Idol?

The show began with discussion of Springsteen on the Today Show and again how TK would like to be Bruce's Roadie.

-- Abbie Lowell -- MASN lawsuit
-- Sam Smith -- NBA playoffs

Also, talk about the potential "21" type scandal involving american idol that will be on ABC's Prime Time Live next week.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

what is the deal...

Tk begins by talking about the geese in the WTEM/CC parking lot and its environs?. Why are they there? Inquiring minds want to know. AND TK worries that one of them might come after him one day. This segues into Czabe talks about how a swan hissed at him one time on the golf course.

The draft got a 4.3 rating. What can the four letter do to replicate those numbers?

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

Monday, April 25, 2005

More draft recap

Tk's column was written yesterday morning, since it was too cold for golf.

Topic A is of course the drafting of the Auburn QB and what it means for Ramsey. talk of past QB incidents including the Brad Johnson/Jeff george circumstance.

Brief talk about the Bulls/Boulez playoff series.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine

draft recap

TK begins with Skins' recap.

-- Wilbon -- talking about Wizards/Bulls

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine